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[1] 霍岩, 邹高万, 董惠, 郜冶. 大直径管道内预混气体爆燃火焰传播实验研究. 工程热物理学报, 2016/6, 37(6): 1361-1364. (EI收录)
[2] 霍岩, 黄德香, 邹高万, 李树声. 通道高度对竖直通道内旋转火焰热流场的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2016/12, 47(12): 4224-4230. (EI收录)
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[7] 张宇明, 邹高万, 郜冶, 董惠, 霍岩. 薄层火焰的双区域模型. 燃烧科学与技术, 2013/4, 19(2): 163-168.
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[14] Zou G W, Yang L, Chow W K. Numerical Studies on Fire Whirls in a Vertical Shaft. UECTC'09 - Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference - Renewable Energy, May 28-30, 2009 Beijing, China. (EI收录)
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[16] Chow W K, Leung C W, Zou G W, Dong H, Gao Y. Flame spread over plastic materials in flashover room fires. Construction and Building Materials, 2008/4, 22(4): 629-634. (SCI, EI收录)
[17] Zou G W, Tan H P, Chow W K, Gao Y. Effects of varying Smagorinsky constant on simulating post-flashover fires. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2007/2, 21(2): 107-119. (SCI收录)