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【1】Pengfei Zhang; Xinpeng Pan*; Jiawei Liu; Denoising marine controlled source electromagnetic data based on dictionary learning, Minerals, 2022., 12(6), 682-690.
【2】Cairui Shao, Pengfei Zhang, Jiaqi Ji, et al. Identifying the carbonate interlayer using the horn response of electromagnetic wave resistivity logging while drilling combined with drilling and mud-logging data during geo-steering, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 807-819.
【3】Xinpeng Pan; Pengfei Zhang; Guangzhi Zhang; Zhenwei Guo; Jianxin Liu ; Seismic characterization of fractured reservoirs with elastic impedance difference versus angle and azimuth: A lowfrequency poroelasticity perspective, Geophysics, 2021, 86(4): M123-M139
【4】Xinpeng Pan; Dazhou Zhang; Pengfei Zhang*; Fracture detection from Azimuth-dependent seismic inversion in joint time–frequency domain, Scientific Report, 2021, 11(1269): 1-14
【5】Pengfei Zhang; Ming Deng; Jianen Jing; Kai Chen; Marine controlled-source electromagnetic method data de-noising based on compressive sensing, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2020, 177(104011): 1-17
【6】Xinpeng Pan, Dazhou Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, et al. A coupled anisotropic fluid indicator for seismic characterization of tight gas-bearing fractured reservoirs, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 83: 103552.
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【8】邵才瑞; 张鹏飞; 张福明; 郑广全;侯秋元; 陈伟中; 用J函数提高致密砂岩气层饱和度测井评价精度, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 40(4):57-65