部门: 计算机学院、保密学院、软件学院
学科: 计算机科学与技术
职称: 教授
指导资格: 博士生导师 硕士生导师
邮箱: zhangliguo@hrbeu.edu.cn
邮编: 150001
地址: 黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区南通大街145号
以第一作者和通信作者身份在CVPR, ICML, ACM MM, IJCAI 等CCF A类会议和IEEE TIM,IEEE SJ等智能感知领域TOP期刊上累计发表论文40余篇.
2004.07 - 2014.07 先后工作于中国电子科技集团公司第45研究所和中国航天科工集团第三研究院254厂
2014.08 - 今 哈尔滨工程大学,计算机科学与技术学院
2017.12 - 2018.12 香港科技大学,计算机科学与工程学院
Y. Tian, Z. Wang, J. Sun, L. Zhang*. Time-Frequency Domain Fusion Enhancement for Audio Super-Resolution, [C]//Proceedings of the 32st ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2024. (Accept, 通讯作者,CCF A类)
张立国, 徐鑫, 董宇欣, 基于ConvNeXt的智慧课堂中的眼部情感识别及其可视化, 计算机科学, 10, 2024.
Yunfei Long, Zilin Tian, Liguo Zhang*, Huosheng Xu. Reparameterized Importance Sampling for Robust Variational Bayesian Neural Networks, [C]// Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2024. (通讯作者,CCF A类)
L. Zhang, Y. Zhu, A. Benarab, et. al. DP-Font: Chinese calligraphyFont Generation Using Diffusion Modeland Physical Information Neural Network, [C]//Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2024. (CCF A类)
Y. Shi, D. Liu, L. Zhang*, et. al. ZERO-IG: Zero-Shot Illumination-Guided Joint Denoising and Adaptive Enhancement for Low-Light Images, [C]//Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2024. (通讯作者,CCF A类)
H. Yin, G. Yin, L. Zhang*, Robust Semantic Segmentation Method of Urban Scenes in Snowy Environment, [J]// Machine Vision and Applications, 35, 59 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-024-01540-4(通讯作者,CCF C类)
Shi Y, Liu D, Zhang L, et al. MaCo: efficient unsupervised low-light image enhancement via illumination-based magnitude control. [J]// The Visual Computer, 2024: 1-19.(CCF C类)
Zhang L, Tian Z, Long Y, et al. Cross-modal and Cross-medium Adversarial Attack for Audio. [C]//Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2023: 444-453. (CCF A类)
Qi, P., Yin, G. & Zhang, L*. Underwater acoustic target recognition using RCRNN and wavelet-auditory feature.[J]// Multimed Tools Appl. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17406-2(通讯作者,CCF C类)
Pengyuan Qi, Jianguo Sun, Yunfei Long, Liguo Zhang*, and Tianye, Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition with Fusion Feature. [C]// ICONIP: International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2021, (通讯作者,CCF C类)
Pengyang Shen, Liguo Zhang*, MinghaoWang, Guisheng Yin. Deeper Super-resolution Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty for Sonar Image Enhancement. [J]//Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10888-y. 2021. (通讯作者,SCI二区,CCF C类,影响因子:2.313)
Wancun Liu, Liguo Zhang*, Xiaolin Zhang, Lianfu Han. 3D Snow Sculpture Reconstruction Based on Structured-light 3D Vision Measurement. [J]//Applied Sciences. 2021, Vol.11(8), 3324.(通讯作者,SCI二区,影响因子:2.474)
Pengyang Shen, Xinrui Jia, Liguo Zhang*, Depth estimation based on optical flow and depth prediction, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security. 2021. (通讯作者,EI检索)
Yan Jiang, Xinrui Jia, Liguo Zhang*, Guisheng Yin. Image-to-Image Style Transfer Based on Ghost Module. CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua. Vol.68(3), 2021. (通讯作者,SCI一区,影响因子:4.89)
姜妍,张立国*. 面向深度学习模型的对抗攻击与防御方法综述,计算机工程. vol47(1), 2021(通讯作者,CCF C类,中文核心期刊)
Ye Tian, Jianguo Sun, Pengyuan Qi, Liguo Zhang*, Guisheng Yin. Multi-Block Mixed-sample Semi-supervised Learning for SAR Target Recognition. Remote Sensing. vol. 13(3) 2021, 361. (通讯作者,SCI一区,影响因子:4.509)
Ye Tian, Liguo Zhang, Linshan Shen, Guisheng Yin and Lei Chen. Mixed Re-sampled Class-imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning for Skin Lesion Classification. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing. Vol. 28 (1), 2021: 195-211 (SCI三区,影响因子:1.276)
H Song, M Wang, Zhang L*, Y Li, Z Jiang, G Yin. S^2RGAN: Sonar-image Super-Resolution Based on Generative Adversarial Network. Visual Computer, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00371-020-01986-3, (通讯作者,SCI三区,CCF C类,影响因子:1.456)
Haipeng Zeng, Xinhuan Shu, Yanbang Wang, Yong Wang, Liguo Zhang, Ting-Chuen Pong, and Huamin Qu. EmotionCues: Emotion-Oriented Visual Summarization of Classroom Videos. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020, DOI:10.1109/TVCG.2019.2963659, (SCI一区,CCF A类,影响因子:4.558)
Liang X, Hu P, Zhang L*, Sun J, Yin G. MCFNet: Multi-layer Concatenation Fusion Network for Medical Images Fusion[J], IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume: 19 , Issue: 16 , Aug.15, 15 2019(通讯作者,SCI一区,影响因子:3.073)
Shi Y, Sun J, Liu D, Kou L, Li B, Yang Q, Zhang L*. Cloud-based Data Offloading for Multi-focus and Multi-views Image Fusion in Mobile Applications[J], ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 26(2), 2019: 830-841 通讯作者,SCI二区,CCF C类,影响因子:2.602)
Zhang L, Yin G, Han Q, Sun J. Wide-field and full-focus optical microscopic imaging system[J], Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 36(6), 2019: 950-964.(SCI三区,影响因子:1.861)
Han Q, Chen Q, Zhang L*, et al. HRR: a data cleaning approach preserving local differential privacy[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14(12): 1550147718819938.(通讯作者,SCI三区,影响因子:1.791)
Kou L, Shi YQ, Zhang L, Liu D, Yang Q. A Lightweight Three-Factor User Authentication Protocol for the Information Perception of IoT, 2018, CMC-Computers Materials & Continua[J]. 2018, vol.58(2), pp. 545-565. (SCI一区,影响因子:4.890)
Da Q, Sun J, Zhang L, et al. A novel hybrid information security scheme for 2D vector map[J]. ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, 2018: 1-9.(SCI二区,CCF C类,影响因子:2.602
Zhang G, Kou L, Zhang L, et al. A new digital watermarking method for data integrity protection in the perception layer of IoT[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2017.(SCI三区,影响因子:1.288)
Zhang L.,Sun J. Song H. and Shen Y. Normal Direction Local Binary Pattern for Fragment Reconstruction, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2017.(EI检索,CCF B类会议)
Zhang L., J Sun, W Feng, et al. Multi-focus image fusion via region mosaicing on contrast pyramids, International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, Bozeman, USA, 2016.(EI检索,CCF C类会议)
Zhang L., Sun J , Yin G , et al. A Cross Structured Light Sensor and Stripe Segmentation Method for Visual Tracking of a Wall Climbing Robot[J]. Sensors, 2015, 15(6):13725-13751.(SCI一区,影响因子:3.275)
Zhang L., Lin J, Sun J, et al. A robust stripe segmentation method for 3D measurement of structured light, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Beijing, China, 2015.(EI检索)
Zhang L., Ye Q, Yang W, et al. Weld line detection and tracking via spatial-temporal cascaded hidden Markov models and cross structured light. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2014, 63(4): 742-753.(SCI一区,影响因子:3.658)
Zhang L., Ke W, Ye Q, et al. A novel laser vision sensor for weld line detection on wall-climbing robot. Optics & Laser Technology, 2014, 60: 69-79. (SCI一区,影响因子:3.233)
Zhang L., W. Ke, et al. A Cross Structured Light Sensor for Weld Line Detection on Wall-climbing Robot, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Takamatsu, Japan, 2013. (EI检索)
W. Yang, L. Zhang, et al. Minimum Entropy Models for Laser Line Extraction, in Proc. International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, York, UK, 2013. (EI检索)
Xiao B., Liu X., Zhang L.. Accident Management Reinforcing with Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, IEEE International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Harbin, 2013.(EI检索)
Zhang L, Jiao J, Ye Q, et al. Robust weld line detection with cross structured light and Hidden Markov Model, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2012:1411-1416.(EI检索)
“知识管理平台”,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖, 2015.12.
“面向海洋工程的多因素大数据融合高效业务管理平台”,黑龙江省科技进步三等奖, 2018.12.
“船舶装备制造网络安全防护平台”,中国电子学会科技进步三等奖, 2022.12.
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