1. 张国印,笪清安. A fragile watermarking scheme of anti-deleting features for 2D vector map. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST. 2018,219 (
2. 张国印,笪清安. A novel fragile watermarking scheme for 2D vector map authentication.2018, 10736 LNCS (
3. 张国印,寇亮. An intelligent method of cancer prediction based on mobile cloud computing. Cluster Computing. 2017,12 (
4. 张国印,寇亮. A New Digital Watermarking Method for Data Integrity Protection in the Perception Layer of IoT. Security and Communication Networks. 2017 (SCI:000414518900001)(
5. 曲家兴,张国印. Prophet: A Context-Aware Location Privacy-Preserving Schemein Location Sharing Service. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2017 (
6. 门宇博,张国印. A Sub-pixel Disparity Refinement Algorithm Based on Lagrange. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2017. Vol.26(4) (
7. 张国印,王泽宇. 面向场景解析的空间结构化编码深度网络. 哈尔滨工程大学学报. 2017.12 (
8. 张国印,樊旭. Minimal Increase Network Coding for Dynamic Networks, PLOS ONE,2016,11(2).
(SCI:000370050700028)9. 张国印,唐滨. 面向内容中心网络基于分布均匀度的蚁群路由策略.通信学报. 7(36),2015.06
. (EI: 20153201110825)10. 门宇博, 张国印. A Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Four-Moded Census and Relative Confidence Plane Fitting. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 4(24), 2015.04.
(SCI: 000362918000024), (EI: 20154001337471)11. 张国印,李军.移动对等网络覆盖网.软件学报. 2013, 24(1)(
EI: 20130515954076)
12. 姜春茂,张国印. Experimental Study on Block and Ratio Storage Strategy and Parallel Transmission Algorithms. APPLIED MATHEMATICS & INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2013.05, 7(3) (
13. 张国印,李璐.基于MP2P网络的内容分发机制研究.通信学报.2013,(5)(
14. 楼宋江,张国印. 人脸识别中适合于小样本情况下的监督化拉普拉斯判别分析. 计算机研究与发展. 2012,(8
) (EI:20124115554754)15. 张国印, 付小晶. Attribute-based authenticated group key management protocol for mobile Peer-to-Peer network. China Communications. 2011,(10).
(SCI:000310670600008)16. 张国印,楼宋江. 无关性判别保局算法及其在人脸识别中的应用,中国图象图形学报,2011,16(1)
17. 刘铭, 张国印. 基于层次实时有色Petri网的实时系统建模与分析方法研究. 电子与信息学报, 2011.3
18. 楼宋江,张国印. 零空间保局判别本征脸. 电子与信息学报, 2011.4
19. 孙建国,
张国印. 一种矢量地图无损数字水印技术. 电子学报,2010.12
(EI:20111113746523)20. 王玲玲,张国印. 标准模型下基于双线性对的前向安全环签名方案. 电子与信息学报, 2009.2
21. 王向辉,张国印.多级能量异构传感器网络的负载均衡成簇算法.计算机研究与发展.,2008.3
(EI: 082011256948)22. 王玲玲,张国印.ID-Based deniable ring authentication with constant-size signature. Frontiers of Computer Science in China. 2008(1)
(EI:081511188760)23. 张国印,王玲玲. 环签名研究进展. 通信学报.Vol.28, No5, 2007.5