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[3] Xiaoqin Xie, Jiahui Li, Yi Sheng, Wei Wang, Wu Yang. Competitive influence maximization considering inactive nodes and community homophily, Knowledge-Based Systems,Volume 233, December 2021,107497, ISSN 0950-7051, WOS:000709919000016
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[13] Xiaoqin Xie, Chaochen Song, Zhiqiang Zhang. A Service Discovery Method Based on Referral Network and Ant-Colony Algorithm. Chinese Journal of Computers. 2010, 33(11):2093-2103. (In Chinese) (谢晓芹, 宋超臣, 张志强. 一种基于推荐网络和蚁群算法的服务发现方法. 计算机学报,2010, 33(11):2093-2103)(EI- 20105013489605)
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