(1)On finite dimensional representations of finite W-superalgebras, Sci. China Math. 66 (2023), 1737-1750 (Overlap with "On the Premet conjuecture for finite W-superalgebras, Arxiv 2002.10604")
(2) Equivariant K-theory approach to i-quantum groups, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 58 (2022), no. 3, 635–668 (joint with Zhaobing Fan and Haitao Ma).
(3) Super formal Darboux-Weinstein theorem and finite W superalgebras,J. Algebra 550(2020), 242-265, (joint with Bin Shu).
(4) Vust's Theorem and higher level Schur-Weyl duality for types B, C and D J. Pure . Applied. Algebra 2018( 222) 340-358 (joint with Li Luo).
(5) Normality of orthogonal and symplectic nilpotent orbit closures in positive characteristic J.Algebra 443 (2015), 33-48, (joint with Bin Shu).