[1] Lipeng Wang, Donghui Yuan, Ruotong Cao, Qiuyu Zhang, Xin Yuan. Automatic landing of carrier-based aircraft based on a collaboration of fault reconstruction and fault-tolerant control. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2024. 144: 108772.
[2] Wang Lipeng, Jiang Xiangli, Zhang Zhi, Wen Zixia. Lateral automatic landing guidance law based on risk-state model predictive control. ISA Transactions. 2022. 128(B): 611-623.
[3] Lipeng Wang, Xiangli Jiang, and Zhi Zhang. Lateral Automatic Landing Control System for Cooperating to Suppress Risk and Deviations Based on MPC and NN. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2023,21(6): 2054-2066.
[4] Lipeng Wang, Yao Qi, Wei Li, Mengjie Liu, Zhi Zhang. Dynamic Parallel Mapping and Trajectory Planning of Robot Arm in Unknown Environment. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2023, 23(10): 10970-10982.
[5] Lipeng Wang, Qidan Zhu, Zhi Zhang, Ran Dong. Modeling Pilot Behaviors Based on Discrete-Time Series During Carrier-Based Aircraft Landing. Journal of Aircraft. 2016, 53(6): 1922–1931.
[6] Lipeng Wang, Zhi Zhang, Qidan Zhu, Ran Dong. Longitudinal automatic carrier landing system guidance law using model predictive control with an additional landing risk term. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2019, 233(3): 1089–1105.
[7] Lipeng Wang, Zhi Zhang, Qidan Zhu. Automatic Flight Control Design Considering Objective and Subjective Risks during Carrier Landing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I- Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 2020, 234(4): 446–461.
[8] Lipeng Wang, Zhi Zhang, Qidan Zhu, Xingwei Jiang. Lateral Autonomous Carrier-landing Control with High-dimension Landing Risks Consideration. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology. 2020, 92(6): 837–850.
[9] Lipeng Wang, Zhi Zhang, Qidan Zhu, Zixia Wen. Longitudinal automatic carrier-landing control law rejecting disturbances and coupling based on adaptive dynamic inversion. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences. 2021, 69(1): 1–10.
[10] Lipeng Wang, Zhi Zhang, Qidan Zhu, Zixia Wen. Design of Automatic Carrier-Landing Controller Based on Compensating States and Dynamic Inversion. IEEE Access. 2019, 7: 146939–146952.
[11] Lipeng Wang, Zhi Zhang, Qidan Zhu, Shan Ma. Ship Route Planning Based on Double-Cycling Genetic Algorithm Considering Ship Maneuverability Constraint. IEEE Access. 2020, 8: 190746–190759.
[12] Qiuyu Zhang, Lipeng Wang(通讯作者), Wanyi Li, Hao Meng, Wen Zhang, Zhi Zhang and Peng Wang. OS-DS Tracker: Orientation-variant Siamese 3D Tracking with Detection based Sampling.Pattern Recognition Letters. 2023, 174: 57-63.
[13] Haibo Yao, Lipeng Wang(通讯作者), Chengtao Cai, Yuxin Sun, Zhi Zhang, Yongkang Luo, Multi-modal spatial relational attention networks for visual question answering. Image and Vision Computing. 2023, 140: 104840.
[14] Zhang, Qiuyu; Wang, Lipeng(通讯作者); Meng, Hao; Zhang, Wen; Huang, Genghua. LiDAR Point Clouds Dataset of Ships in Maritime Environment. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. 2023. Accept.
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[18] 朱齐丹, 王立鹏(通讯作者), 张智, 闻子侠. 舰载机着舰侧回路时变风险权值矩阵线性变参数预测控制. 控制理论与应用. 2015, 32(1): 101–109 .
[19] 朱齐丹, 王立鹏(通讯作者), 张智, 姜星伟. 舰载机着舰纵向时变风险权值矩阵预测控制. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2016, 37(11): 1532–1538.
[20] 朱齐丹, 王立鹏(通讯作者), 张智. 基于实际行为策略的飞行员着舰模型.华中科技大学学报(自然科学版). 2015, 43(7): 98–103.
[21] 王立鹏, 王立辉, 张智, 朱齐丹. 抑制尾流扰动的舰载机纵向自动着舰预测控制. 计算机仿真. 2019, 36(3): 50–55+60.
[22] 王立鹏, 张智, 王立辉. 抑制主观风险的舰载机自动着舰纵向预测控制. 第三十八届中国控制会议. 中国广州. 2019.7.27. 68–73页.
[23] Lipeng Wang, Chenkun Zhou, Zhi Zhang, Shan Ma, Wenlong Ma. Research on Dynamic Planning Method of Collision Avoidance Route Based on Ship Kinematics. Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference. Shanghai, China. July 26-28, 2021, pp. 6178–6183.
[24] Wang Lipeng, Cao Ruotong, Yuan Donghui, Zhang Qiuyu, Liu Yue. Longitudinal Landing Risk Situation Model and Suppression Based on Clould Model and MPC. ICMA 2023, pp. 594-599.
[25] Wang Lipeng, Yuan Donghui, Zhu Qidan, Wen Zixia. Lateral Automatic Landing Control of Carrier-based Aircraft Based on Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion. ICGNC 2022, pp. 594-603.