15. E. Zanganeh*, M. Song*, A. Valero, A. Shalin, E. Nenasheva, A. Miroshnichenko*, A. Evlyukhin, P. Kapitanova, Nonradiating sources for effient wireless power transfer, Nanophotonics, 10, 4399-4408, (2021) [IF = 8.4, 一区TOP]
14. P. Smirnov, P. Kapitanova, E. Nenasheva, M. Song*, Compact Hybrid Metasurface-Inspired Resonator with Uniform Magnetic Field Distribution for Wireless Power Transfer, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, (2021) [IF = 3.8, 二区TOP]
Mingzhao Song*, Prasad Jayathurathnage, Esmaeel Zanganeh, Mariia Krasikova, Pavel Smirnov, Pavel Belov, Polina Kapitanova, Constantin Simovski, Sergei Tretyakov, Alex Krasnok*, Wireless power transfer based on novel physical concepts,
Nature Electronics, 4, 707-716, (2021) [IF = 33.6, 一区TOP]

12. E. Zanganeh, A. Evlyukhin*, A. Miroshnichenko*,
M. Song, E. Nenasheva, P. Kapitanova*,
Anapole meta-atoms: nonradiating electric and magnetic sources,
Physical Review Letters, 127, 096804, (2021) [IF = 9.1, 一区TOP]
M. Song, P. Smirnov, E. Puhtina, E. Zanganeh, S. Glybovski, P. Belov, P. Kapitanova*, “Multi-mode Metamaterial-inspired Resonator for Near-field Wireless Power Transfer”,
Applied Physics Letters, 117, 083501, (2020) [IF = 3.5,二区TOP]

https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-08/iu-ius082620.php 圣彼得堡电视台专访:
M. Song, A. Krasnok, P. Kapitanova*, Obstruction tolerant metasurface-based wireless power transfer system for multiple receivers,
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 41, 100835, (2020) [IF = 2.45,三区]
8. A. Markvart#,
M.Song#*, S. Glybovski, P. Belov, C. Simovski, P. Kapitanova*, Metasurface for near-field wireless power transfer with reduced electric field leakage,
IEEE Access, 8, 40224, (2020) [IF = 4.01, 二区]
7. P. Kapitanova*, E. Zanganeh, N. Pavlov,
M. Song, P. Belov, A. Evlyukhin, A. Miroshnichenko, Seeing the Unseen: Experimental Observation of Magnetic Anapole State Inside a High‐Index Dielectric Particle,
Annalen der Physik, 532, 2000293, (2020) [IF = 3.5, 二区]
M. Song*, K. Baryshnikova, A. Markvart, E. Nenasheva, P. Belov, C. Simovski, P. Kapitanova, Smart table based on metasurface for wireless power transfer,
Physical Review Applied, 5, 054046, (2019) [IF= 4.8, 一区]

M. Song, P. Belov, P. Kapitanova*, Wireless power transfer inspired by the modern trends in electromagnetics,
Applied Physics Reviews, 4, 021102, (2017) [IF = 13.6,一区TOP]
M. Song, P. Belov, P. Kapitanova*, "Wireless power transfer based on dielectric resonators with colossal permittivity",
Applied Physics Letters, 109, 223902, (2016) [IF = 3.5,二区TOP]
M. Song, I. Iorsh, E. Nenasheva, P. Kapitanova*, P. Belov, “Wireless power transfer based on magnetic quadrupole coupling in dielectric resonators”,
Applied Physics Letters, 108, 023902, (2016) [IF = 3.41,二区TOP]

2. M. A. Gorlach*,
M. Song, A. P. Slobozhanyuk, A. A. Bogdanov, P. A. Belov, "Topological transition in coated wire medium",
Physica Status Solidi (RRL), 10, 900-904, (2016) (Back Cover) [IF = 2.58,二区]
1. O. Yermakov, A. Ovcharenko,
M. Song, A. Bogdanov*, I. Iorsh, Y. Kivshar, “Hybrid waves localized at hyperbolic metasurfaces”,
Physical Review B, 91, 235423, (2015) (Editorial Suggested) [IF = 3.72,二区TOP]