1.2016.11, 5th Joint Meeting: Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Near-field localization of underwater noise source based on matrix spatial filter with vector sensor array, Oral Presentation, Hawaii, America.
2. 2015.08, 第十五届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会, 基于组合阵列的柱面声源近场定位方法研究, 机械结构振动传递特性正交多项式拟合预报方法研究, 大会报告, 郑州, 中国
3. 2014.09, OCEANS’14 MTS/IEEE, Passive Wideband Source Localization Based on Cylindrical Focused Beamforming in Shallow Water, Oral Presentation, ST JOHN’S, Canada.
4. 2014.10, The 2014 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Double Vector Hydrophones Positioning of Underwater Moving Sources, Oral Presentation, DaLian, China.
5. 2013.09, INTERNOISE 2013-42nd International Conference on Noise Control Engineering, Experimental research on wave non-linear interaction in complex medium, Oral Presentation, Innsbruck,Austra.
6. 2013.10, 中国声学学会第十届青年学术会议, 基于矢量水听器声强法的材料声反射系数测量, 大会报告, 成都, 中国.
7. 2011.03, 2011 International Conference of Information Technology, Computer Engineering and Management Sciences, Measuring reflection coefficient of underwater acoustic materials with the vector hydrophone, Oral Presentation, NanJing, China.
8. 2011.08, 第十三届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会, 矢量拖曳线列阵流噪声计算方法研究, 主动隔振系统建模及功率流传递特性分析, 大会报告, 鹰潭, 中国.
9. 2009.10,第十二届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会, 基于矢量水听器的吸声系数测量方法研究, 大会报告, 长沙, 中国.