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二阶系统解耦[1]沈继红,胡波,王侃. 基于谱变换的奇异二阶系统解耦研究. 系统科学与数学,2012,32(2):197-205
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[10]王淑娟,张善美,沈继红. Sylvester方程非奇异解的构造. 哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版),2011,27(2):196-202
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其他[1] Shen, Jihong; Liu, Yanan; Liu, Siyuan. Nonlinear Radar Tracking Data Filtering with Unscented Kalman Filter. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering [M]. Volume 2015,322:139-147,doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08991-1_15,SCI检索号:WOS:000364986800015,(会议: 3rd International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems (CSPS),会议地点: Tianjin Normal Univ, Hohhot, PEOPLES R CHINA,会议日期: JUL 14-15, 2014)
[2] Shen Jihong, Liu Yanan, Wang Sese, Sun Zhuo. Evaluation of unscented Kalman filter and extended Kalman filter for radar tracking data filtering. Proceedings - UKSim-AMSS 8th European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation. P190-194,EI检索号:20140517248320
[3] Shen Jihong, Liu Yanan, LiuSiyuan, Sun Zhuo. Nonlinear radar tracking data filtering with unscented Kalman filter. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, P139-147
[6]Ji-hong Shen and Xiao-yan Fu. The Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in the Submarine Concealment Assessment. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Future Information Technology. 2010,11, Changsha, China: 304-307.
[7]沈继红,李英,戴运桃,王淑娟. X-band雷达图像中降雨干扰的识别与抑制.光学精密工程,2012,20(8):1845-1852收录号:20124115547921
[8]Jihong Shen,Ying Li,Yuntao Dai,Yan Li. Effect of the Sea Water Depth on the Wave Parameters in the Parameters Inversion of X Band Marin Radar.2011 Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization,Kunming, 2011,4:974-977(EI20113514269356)
[9]Jihong Shen ,Fu Xiaoyan .The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on improved super-standard weight. International conference on energy and environmental science,2011检索号: 20103613220981
[10]沈继红, 王侃, 胡波. 粒子群优化算法的数学基础. 武汉大学学报(理学版). 2011,57(4): 360-364
Cai Kuijie ,
Shen Jihong. Decision-making in drosophila with two conflicting cues. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011:93-100
[12]付肖燕,沈继红. 模糊映射下隶属度函数的传递. 中国科学院研究生院学报,2012 ,29(3):300-306
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高世伟. 紧急工况下的二级电压控制分区与协同建模.
[22]母丽华,杜红,沈继红.带有余割核的超奇异积分方程的逼近解. 黑龙江大学学报自然科学版,2009,26(4):421-425
[23]Jiang Zhou,Changjiang Bu,Jihong Shen. Some results for the periodicity and perfect state transfer. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2011,18(1)
[24] Liu Lina, Shen Jihong, Zhu Qianghua, Ding Zhaoyun. Inferring temporal variation and popular subtopics in microblogs. Journal of Computational Information Systems, v10, n1,P39-51,EI检索号:20140517248340
[25] Liu Lina, Shen Jihong, Zhu Qianghua. A method to discover tribes in microblogs. Journal of Computational Information Systems. v10, n1, P221-238
[26] Zhu Lei, Shen Jihong. Embedded extraction method based on characteristic frequency of wavelet transform frequency shift signal. Metallurgical and Mining Industry, P216-223
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[28] Yanfeng Zhao, Jihong Shen and Dongyan Chen . New Stability Criterion for Discrete-Time Genetic Regulatory Networks with Time-Varying Delays and Stochastic Disturbances Mathematical Problems In Engineering , Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 7634680,doi: 10.1155/2016/7634680,SCI检索号:WOS:000378739400001
[29] Yanan Liu, Sese Wang, Zhuo Sun and Jihong Shen. Evaluation of nonlinear filtering for radar data Tracking. Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking, Volume 2015(2015). Article ID 18,doi: 10.1186/s13638-015-0249-x,SCI检索号:WOS:000349539900001
Zhu, Lei,
Shen, Jihong.
Modified high-lag autocorrelation estimation method for frequency estimation of sinusoidal signal. Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University, v 37, n 4, p 579-584, ,EI检索号:20151700779280
[31] 刘丽娜,沈继红,朱强华,丁兆云.基于频繁传播模式的影响群落发现方法.吉林大学学报(工学版),2013,43(2):444-450.
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