(45) Mingguang Shan, Lei Liu, Zhi Zhong*, Bin Liu, Yabin Zhang. Direct phase retrieval for simultaneous dual-wavelength off-axis digital holography. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2019,121: 246-251 (SCI:000473380600028;EI:20191706835021;2018年影响因子:4.059, 2019.10.01)
(44) Zhi Zhong, Xiaoxin Xie, Lei Liu, Chen Wang, Mingguang Shan*, Bin Liu. Auto-focusing in dual-wavelength digital holography using correlation coefficient. Optical Engineering. 2019, 58 (4):043103 (SCI;EI:20192006915913;2018年影响因子:1.209, 2019.04.01)
(43) Mingguang Shan, Lei Liu, Zhi Zhong*, Bin Liu, Yabin Zhang. Improved phase reconstruction using linear programming for dual-wavelength digital holography. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2019,117: 1-6 (SCI:000462106500001;EI:20190406412039;2018年影响因子:4.059, 2019.06.01)
(42) C. Hu, R. Sam, M. Shan, V. Nastasa, M. Wang, T. Kim, M. Gillette, P. Sengupta G. Popescu*. Optical excitation and detection of neuronal activity. Journal of Biophotonics. 2019, 12(3): e201800269 (SCI:00046268330001,EI:20184506051384;2018年影响因子:3.763,2019.03)
(41) Lei Liu, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Bin Liu. Color image encryption based on enhanced optical interference with different diffraction distances and linear phase color-blend. Journal of Optics. 2019, 21: 015701 (SCI:000451615400001; EI:20190306379508;2018年影响因子:2.753, 2018.11.28)
(40) Lei Liu, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Bin Liu. Fast reconstruction of two-wavelength off-axis multiplexed holograms using division-multiplexing and critical sampling. Optics Communications. 2019, 433: 297–302 (SCI:000451337700048;EI:20184506049558;2018年影响因子:1.961, 2019.02.15)
(39) Guanghui Ren, Jianan Han, Jiahui Fu, Mingguang Shan*. Asymmetric image encryption using phase-truncated discrete multiple-parameter fractional Fourier transform. Optical Review. 2018, 25(6), 701-707 (SCI:000451349600007;2017年影响因子:0.805,2018.10.19)
(38) Mingguang Shan, Lei Liu, Bin Liu, Zhi Zhong*. Security-enhanced optical interference-based multiple-image encryption using a modified multiplane phase retrieval algorithm. Optical Engineering. 2018, 57(8), 083103 (SCI:000444481600005;EI:20183705796914;2017年影响因子:0.993, 2018.08.21)
(37) Lei Liu, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong. Simultaneous two-wavelength tri-window common-path digital holography. Journal of Optics. 2018, 20: 065607(SCI: 000433115700001, EI: 20182305278765;2017年影响因子:2.323, 2018.05.25)
(36) Bin Liu, Han Zhou, Lei Liu, Xing Wang, Mingguang Shan, Peng Jin, Zhi Zhong*. An Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Microphone Based on Corrugated Silver Diaphragm. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2018,67(8) : 1994 - 2000 (SCI: 000438730400022;EI:20181204926686;2017年影响因子:2.794, 2018.06.01)
(35) Bin Liu, Zhi Zhong, Jie Lin, Xing Wang, Lei Liu, Mingguang Shan, Peng Jin*. Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Cantilever Accelerometer Based on Micro-Machined 45° Angled Fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2018,36(11): 2196 - 2203 (SCI:000446356100001;EI:20174304297000;2017年影响因子:3.652, 2018.06.01)
(34) Hongyi Bai, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Lili Guo, Yabin Zhang, Bin Liu. Fast and accurate carrier and aberration removal in phase retrieval for off-axis holography. Optik, 2018,162:95–101 (SCI: 000430753800013;EI:20181004860250;2017年影响因子:1.191, 2018.02.23)
(33) Hongyi Bai, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Lei Liu, Lili Guo, Yabin Zhang. Two-exposure quasi-common-path point diffraction interferometric phase microscopy using a four-step algorithm. Optical Review, 2018, 25(1): 1-7 (SCI:000423478800012;EI;2017年影响因子:0.805, 2018.02.01)
(32) Lei Liu, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Bin Liu, Gunagyu Luan, Ming Diao, Yabin Zhang. Simultaneous dual-wavelength off-axis flipping digital holography. Opt. Lett. 2017, 42: 4331-4334 (SCI:000414097200024;EI:20174504377038;2016年影响因子:3.416, 2017.10.19)
(31) Mingguang Shan, Lei Liu, Zhi Zhong*, Bin Liu, Guangyu Luan, Yabin Zhang. Single-shot dual-wavelength off-axis quasi-common-path digital holography using polarization-multiplexing. Opt. Express, 2017, 25: 26253-26261(SCI:000413103300127;EI:20174304313457;2016年影响因子:3.307, 2017.10.13)
(30) Zhi Zhong, Hongyi Bai, Mingguang Shan*, Yabin Zhang, Lili Guo. Fast phase retrieval in slightly off-axis digital holography. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2017,97: 9–18(SCI:000404496700002;EI:20172303729013;2016年影响因子:2.769, 2017.10.01)
(29) Zhi Zhong, Haitao Qin, Lei Liu, Yabin Zhang, Mingguang Shan*. Silhouette-free image encryption using interference in the multiple-parameter fractional Fourier transform domain. Opt. Express, 2017,25:6974-6982 (SCI:000397316200094;EI:20171203484293;2016年影响因子:3.307, 2017.03.20)
(28) Hongyi Bai, Zhi Zhong, Mingguang Shan*, Lei Liu, Lili Guo, Yabin Zhang. Interferometric phase microscopy using slightly-off-axis reflective point diffraction interferometer. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2017,90:155–160(SCI:000390631400017;EI:20164302953842; 2016年影响因子:2.769, 2017.03.01)
(27) Mingguang Shan, Mikhail E. Kandel, Gabriel Popescu*. Refractive index variance of cells and tissues measured by quantitative phase imaging. Opt. Express 2017,25: 1573-1581(SCI:000396518400097;EI:201704032852813;2016年影响因子:3.307, 2017.01.23)
(26) Mingguang Shan, Mikhail E. Kandel, Hassaan Majeed, Viorel Nastasa, Gabriel Popescu*. White-light diffraction phase microscopy at doubled space-bandwidth product. Optics Express. 2016,24(25): 29033-29039(SCI:000389763000082;EI:20165103150590;2016年影响因子:3.307, 他引1次,2016.12.15)
(25) Hongjie Zhao, Zhi Zhong, Weiwei Fang*, Hong Xie, Yabin Zhang, Mingguang Shan. Double-image encryption using chaotic maps and nonlinear non-DC joint fractional Fourier transform correlator. Opt. Eng. 2016, 55(9):093109 (SCI:000388232800029;EI:20164102895784; 2015年影响因子:0.984, 2016.09.30)
(24) Mingguang Shan, Viorel Nastasa, Gabriel Popescu*. Statistical dispersion relation for spatially broadband fields. Optics Letters. 2016,41:2490-2492(SCI: 000377466000025; EI:20162602535691;2015年影响因子:3.04,2016.06.01)
(23) Pingke Deng, Ming Diao, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Yabin Zhang. Multiple-image encryption using spectral cropping and spatial multiplexing. Optics Communications. 2016,359:234–239(SCI: 000364327600035; EI:20154101373044;2015年影响因子:1.48,2016.1.15)
(22) Hongyi Bai, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Lili Guo, Yabin Zhang. Parallel-quadrature on-axis phase-shifting common path interferometer using polarizing beam-splitter. Applied Optics. 2015, 54(32): 9513-9517(SCI: 000364456300021; 2015年影响因子:1.598,2015.11.10)
(21) Hongyi Bai, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Lili Guo, Yabin Zhang. Common path interferometer based on the modified Michelson configuration using a reflective grating. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2015,75: 1-4(SCI:000359889500001;EI:20152600980110;2014年影响因子:2.237, 他引1次,2015.12.31)
(20) Ying Wang*, Yue Zhang, Fei Cao, Mingguang Shan. Single-event Burnout Hardened Structure of Power UMOSFETs with Schottky Source. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2014, 29(7): 3733-3737. (SCI:000332013100044;EI:20141117456283)
(19) Ying Wang*, Yu Chenghao, Zheng Dou, Mingguang Shan. Simulation study of single event effects for split-gate enhanced power U-shape metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor. IET Power Electronics. 2014, 7(12):2859-2901. (SCI:000346253000001;EI:20145100335091)
(18) Ying Wang*, Chenghao Yu, Zhikun Miao, Mingguang Shan. Low-leakage 4H-SiC junction barrier Schottky rectifier with sandwich P-type well. IET Power Electronics. 2015, 8(5): 672-677(SCI:000353551900004.;EI:20151900819062)
(17) Mingguang Shan, Rui Min, Zhi Zhong*, Ying Wang, and Yabin Zhang. Differential reflective fiber-optic angular displacement sensor. Optics & Laser Technology. 2015,68:124-128(SCI:000349728400021;EI:20150400446473; 2014年影响因子:1.647,2015.5.31)
(16) Bengong Hao, Mingguang Shan*, Zhong Zhi, Ming Diao, Ying Wang, Yabin Zhang. Parallel two-step spatial carrier phase-shifting interferometric phase microscopy with fast phase retrieval. Journal of Optics. 2015,17 (3):035602(SCI:000350339100022;EI:20151000599738; 2014年影响因子:2.059, 2015.02.02)
(15) Zhi Zhong, Yujie Zhang, Mingguang Shan*, Ying Wang, Yabin Zhang and Hong Xie. Optical movie encryption based on a discrete multiple-parameter fractional Fourier transform. Journal of Optics. 2014,16:125404(SCI:000344915000024;EI:20145000305651; 2014年影响因子:2.059,2014.10.22)
(14) Ming Diao, Bengong Hao, Mingguang Shan*, Ying Wang, Zhong Zhi, Yabin Zhang. Tri-window common-path interferometer for quantifying phase objects. Applied Optics. 2014,53(24):5453-5459(SCI: 000340825000030; EI:201437064136;2014年影响因子:1.784,2014.08.20)
(13) Zhi Zhong, Pengjun Gao, Mingguang Shan*, Ying Wang, Yabin Zhang. Real-time image edge enhancement with a spiral phase filter and graphic processing unit. Applied Optics. 2014,53(19): 4297-4300(SCI: 000338443900029;EI:20142700001875;2014年影响因子:1.784,2014.07.01)
(12) Mingguang Shan*, Rui Min, Zhi Zhong, Ying Wang, Bengong Hao, Yabin Zhang. Differential transmissive fiber-optic distance sensor. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2014, 56(5): 1104–1107(SCI:000332519500023; 2014年影响因子:0.623, 2014.05.01)
(11) Zhi Zhong, Bengong Hao, Mingguang Shan*, Ying Wang, Ming Diao, Yabin Zhang. Two-shot common-path phase-shifting interferometer with a four step algorithm and an unknown phase shift. Applied Optics. 2014,53(10): 2067-2072(SCI: 000334117600051; EI:201424001152;2014年影响因子:1.784,2014.04.01)
(10) Bengong Hao, Mingguang Shan*, Zhi Zhong, Ming Diao, Yabin Zhang. Common-path interferometer with four simultaneous phase-shifted interferograms using ronchi grating and cubic beamsplitter. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2013,51(11):1278–1282(SCI:000321412300010;EI:20132616444824; 2011年影响因子:1.838,2013.11.30)
(9) Mingguang Shan, Bengong Hao, Zhi Zhong*, Ming Diao, Yabin Zhang. Parallel two-step spatial carrier phase-shifting common-path interferometer with a Ronchi grating outside Fourier plane. Optics Express. 2013,21(2):2126-2132(SCI:000315989500076;EI:20130916050687;2011年影响因子:3.587,2013.01.28)
(8) Mingguang Shan*, Jie Chang, Zhi Zhong, Bengong Hao. Double image encryption based on discrete multiple-parameter fractional Fourier transform and chaotic maps. Optics Communications. 2012,285:4227-4234(SCI:000309081600017;EI:20123615409611; 2010年影响因子:1.517;2012.10.01)
(7) Bengong Hao, Mingguang Shan*, Ming Diao, Zhi Zhong, Hongwen Ma. Common-path interferometer with tri-window. Optics Letters. 2012,37(15):3213-3215(SCI: 000307226700069; EI:20123315331911;2011年影响因子:3.399)
(6) Zhi Zhong, Jie Chang, Mingguang Shan*, Bengong Hao. Double image encryption using double pixel scrambling and random phase encoding. Optics Communications. 2012,285(5):584-588(SCI:000300200200015;EI:20120114656817; 2011年影响因子:1.486,2012.3.1)
(5) Zhi Zhong, Jie Chang, Mingguang Shan*, Bengong Hao. Fractional Fourier-domain random encoding and pixel scrambling technique for double image encryption. Optics Communications. 2012,285(1):18-23(SCI:000297234500004;EI:20114514488520; 2010年影响因子:1.517;2012.1.1)
(4) Mingguang Shan*, Lili Guo, and Zhi Zhong. Design and characterization of harmonic diffractive microlens arrays with continuous relief for parallel laser direct writing. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010,48(3):340-345(SCI:000273931000014;EI:20095312593323; 2010年影响因子:1.567)
(3) Jiubin Tan, Mingguang Shan*, Chenguang Zhao, and Jian Liu. Design and fabrication of diffractive microlens arrays with continuous relief for parallel laser direct writing. Applied Optics. 2008,47(10):1430-1433(SCI: 000255345400026; EI:20083311455183; 2006年影响因子:1.717)
(2) Jiubin Tan, Mingguang Shan*, Jian Liu, Hui Zhang, and Chenguang Zhao. Model analysis of effect of diffraction focus characteristics of microlens arrays on parallel laser direct writing quality. Optics Communications. 2007, 277(2):237-240(SCI:000251791100003;EI:20073110744229; 2006年影响因子:1.48)
(1) Mingguang Shan*,Jiubin Tan. Modeling focusing characteristics of low F-number diffractive optical elements with continuous relief fabricated by laser direct writing. Optics Express. 2007,15(25):17032-17037(SCI:000251624800078;EI:20075110985049; 2006年影响因子:4.009)