1. Pan Wei, Lua Egan, Yang Zaoli, Su Yi. (2023).When and How Knowledge Hiding Motivates Perpetrators'
Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics. (FT-50期刊)
2. Zhang Wei, Jiang Yuan, Zhou Wenkai, & Pan Wei. (2023). Antecedents of knowledge-seeking intentions
and efforts within new product development teams: empirical evidence from knowledge-based Chinese
companies. Journal of Knowledge Management.
3. Shi Xiaoxiao, Evans Richard, Pan Wei, & Shan Wei. (2022). Understanding the effects of personality traits
on solver engagement in crowdsourcing communities: a moderated mediation investigation. Information,
Technology & People.
4. 徐建中, 李奉书, 潘伟, 付静雯. (2019). 双元知识搜索对企业创新绩效的影响: 市场导向的调节作用. 中国科技论
坛, (7), 119-127.
5. 苏涛, 陈春花, 李芷慧, 潘伟, 冯镜铭. (2019). 跨文化视角下员工工作对家庭冲突与工作态度关系的Meta研究.
管理学报, 16(11), 1650-1660.
6. Pan Wei, Zhang Qingpu, Teo Thompson S H, Lim Vivien K G. (2018). The dark triad and knowledge hiding,
International Journal of Information Management, 42: 36-48. (ESI高被引论文)
7. Pan Wei, Zhang Qingpu. (2018). Withholding knowledge in teams: An interactionist perspective of
personality, justice, and autonomy, Social Behavior and Personality, 46(12), 2009-2024.
8. Pan Wei, Zhou Yang, Zhang Qingpu. (2016). Does darker hide more knowledge? The relationship between
Machiavellianism and knowledge hiding, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 10(11), 281-
9. 潘伟, 张庆普. (2016). 感知的知识所有权对知识隐藏的影响机理研究——基于知识权力视角的分析, 研究与发
展管理, 28(3): 25-35+46.
10. Chen Wei, Yang Zaoli, Pan Wei. (2015). Port strategic alliance partner selection using grey target model
based on error propagation and vertical projection distance. Journal of Coastal Research, (73), 797-804.
11. 陈伟, 潘伟, 杨早立. (2013). 知识势差对知识治理绩效的影响机理研究, 科学学研究, 31(12), 1864-1871.