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[3] Yuanwei Cao*, and Rafael Macián-Juan. "Numerical study of the central breakup behaviors of a large bubble rising in quiescent liquid." Chemical Engineering Science 225 (2020): 115804.
[4] Yuanwei Cao*, Inés Mateos Canals, and Rafael Macián-Juan. "Path instability of a compressible air bubble rising in quiescent water with consideration of variable thermophysical properties." International Journal of Multiphase Flow 129 (2020): 103320.
[5] Yuanwei Cao*, and Rafael Macián-Juan. "Numerical investigation of vapor bubble condensation in subcooled quiescent water." Nuclear Engineering and Design 388 (2022): 111621.
[6] Yuanwei Cao*, and Rafael Macián-Juan. "Numerical investigation of hot and cold bubbles rising in water." Nuclear Engineering and Design 382 (2021): 111390.
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[8] Xiaohui Su, Zhen Yin, Yuanwei Cao, and Michael Yong Zhao. “Numerical investigations on aerodynamic forces of deformable foils in hovering motions.” Physics of Fluids 29(4) (2017): 041902.