[36] Zhao Bin, Yao Xiongliang, Maguihui*, Qu Zhaoyu*, Fan Shiqi, Zhao Yuanyang. The interaction characteristics of shoulder-tail cavities under different pressure ratios and hole ratios[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2025.
[35] Fan Shiqi, Yao Xiongliang, Ma Guihui*, Wei Ran, Yin Qiang, Yu Zhichao, Jin Youwei. Research on high-speed water entry similarity of multiscale vehicle based on two-parameter compensation of atmospheric pressure–density[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37(1):013373.
[34] Wang Jiazhao, Shi Dongyan, Ma Guihui*, Fang Ming, Lu Jiaxing, Zhang Lan, Liu Weiqiang, Xing Shuo. Experimental research on pulsation shedding characteristics of tail cavities attached to underwater vehicles based on the U-net cavity boundary identification method[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2025, 316: 119811.
[33] Ma Guihui, Lu Chenxin, Fang Ming*, Zhao Bin, Fan Shiqi, Zhou Qiang, Lu Jiaxing, Yao Xiongliang. Uncertainty quantification in the motion of a water-exit vehicle and analysis of the robustness enhancement characteristics of pressure-equalizing exhaust[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(12): 123349.
[32] Fan Shiqi, Yao Xiongliang, Ma Guihui*, Lu Jiaxing, Lu Chenxin, Chen Jialiang, Wang Linlin, Ji Jianing. Similarity of scaled-down tests of water entry slamming considering the effects of atmospheric pressure and density[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(12).
[31] Zhao Bin, Yao Xiongliang, Zhao Yuanyang Ma Guihui*, Fang Ming, Zhang Miao, Shi Qinbo, Ji Jianing. Tail cavity pressure pulsation characteristics under varying ventilation pressure and duration[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(11): 115138.
[30] 姚熊亮, 赵斌, 马贵辉*, 曲昭宇, 张淼, 卢佳兴. 计及筒盖与筒口气团的航行体出筒流场演化分析[J/OL]. 力学学报,1-18.
[29] Yao Xiongliang, Wang Wenhao, Ma Guihui*, Zhang Hongtu, Chen Yingyu, Qu Zhaoyu, Zhang Wangkai, Lu Jiaxing, Zhang Miao. Experimental research on jet induced tail cavities attached to underwater vehicles considering the influence of tail wings[J], Ocean Engineering, 2024, 295: 116667.
[28]Yao Xiongliang, Yang Zhiyong, Ma Guihui*, Chen Yingyu, Yinqiang, Kong Decai, Sun Longquan, Fan Shiqi, Fang Ming. Research on the characteristics and similarity relationships of impact load reduction of a vehicle entering water[J], Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 142: 103814.
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[26]Fan Shiqi, Shi Dongyan, Ma Guihui*, Zhang Wangkai, Chen Yingyu, Sun Longquan, Yuan Kai, Yang Zhiyong, Zhang Miao. Research on similarity of water entry load for scaled-down underwater vehicle based on different model test environments[J], Ocean Engineering, 2023, 286: 115697.
[25] Qu Zhaoyu, Yang Nana, Yao Xiongliang, Wu Wenhua, Ma Guihui*. Experimental and numerical study on unsteady entrainment behaviour of ventilated air mass in underwater vehicles[J]. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2023, 55(5): 055502.
[24]Yao Xiongliang, Gan Ning, Ma Guihui*. Interactions between two parallel gas jets on the surface of an underwater vertical moving body[J], Ocean Engineering, 2023, 286: 115597.
[23]Yao Xiongliang, Qu Zhaoyu*, Ma Guihui*, Yang Nana, Quan Xiaobo, Cheng Shaohua. Experimental Study on Motion Characteristics of Cavity Attached to the Tail of Underwater Vehicle[J],Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(7):1287.
[22]Qu Zhaoyu, Yang Nana, Ma Guihui*, Yao Xiongliang, Zhang Wangkai, Zhang Hongtu, Cheng Shaohua, Quan Xiaobo, Chen Yingyu. Experimental study on ventilated cavity flow at the tail of underwater vehicle under low surface tension[J], Ocean Engineering, 2023, 267: 113230.
[20]Qu Zhaoyu, Yang Nana, Ma Guihui*, Yao Xionglinag,Chen Yingyu, Zhang Hongtu. Experimental study of unsteady evolution characteristics of ventilated air mass on the cylinder surface[J], Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264: 112462.
[19]Gan Ning, Liu Yuanqing, Yao Xiongliang*, Chen Yingyu, Ma Guihui, Cui Xiongwei. Experimental investigation on the development features of a gas jet on the surface of a vertical moving body with a constant volume chamber[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(8): 083313.
[18]Zhang Yu, Ma Guihui, Wu Guoxun, Li Luyu*. Modeling and nonlinear optimal control of active mass damper with rotating actuator for structural vibration control[J]. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2022, 29(2): e2871.
[17]Gan Ning, Yao Xiongliang*, Cheng Shaohua, Chen Yingyu, Ma Guihui. Experimental investigation on dynamic characteristics of ventilation bubbles on the surface of a vertical moving body[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 246: 110641.
[16]Qu Zhaoyu, Yang Nana, Yao Xionglinag, Ma Guihui, Chen Yingyu*, Wang Yinan. Experimental study of cavitating flows of protuberance on the surface of underwater vehicle[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 245: 110489.
[15]Sun Longquan, Li Wenpeng, Ma Guihui*, Chen Yingyu, Fang Ming, Zhang Wangkai, Yao Xiongliang. Study on ventilated cavity uncertainty of the vehicle under stochastic conditions based on the Monte Carlo method[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 239: 109789.
[13]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*, Wang Kun, Jiang Shuai. Effects of uncertainties in the launch parameters on the pressure-equalizing air film around a vertically launched underwater vehicle. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141(10): 104501.
[12]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*, Wang Kun. Numerical investigation of trajectory and attitude robustness of an underwater vehicle considering the uncertainty of platform velocity and yaw angle. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141(2): 021106.
[11]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*. Effect of pitch-to-diameter ratio and row-spacing-to-diameter ratio of venting holes on evolution process of air film around a vertically launched underwater vehicle. Modern Physics Letters B, 2019, 33(10): 1950124.
[10]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*, Jiang Shuai. Effect of a pressure-equalizing film on the trajectory and attitude robustness of an underwater vehicle considering the uncertainty of the platform velocity. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 12(1): 824-838.
[9]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*, Liu Huaping. Flow mechanism and characteristics of pressure-equalizing film along the surface of a moving underwater vehicle. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2018, 140(4): 041103.
[8]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*, Song Yanping, Mu Zenan. Effect of pressure-equalizing film on hydrodynamic characteristics and trajectory stability of an underwater vehicle with injection through one or two rows of venting holes. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2018, 140(9): 091103.
[7]Ma Guihui, Chen Fu, Yu Jianyang*. Effect of hole-to-hole spacing and row-to-row spacing as well as inclined angle of venting holes on the pressure-equalizing film along the surface of a vertical launched underwater vehicle. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018), ASME Press, 2018, 326-331.
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[4]Chen Fu*, Ma Guihui, Yu Jianyang, Jiang Shuai. Effect of exhaust angle on evolutionary and flow characteristics of pressure-equalizing film on surface of underwater Vehicle. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2016, 20(2): 1495-1512.
[3]陈浮*, 马贵辉, 程少华, 姜帅. 直、斜孔排气对航行体绕流流动影响: Part 1-流场结构. 工程热物理学报, 2016, 37(3): 507-513.
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