目前与国际国内同行建立了密切的学术联系,如日本九州大学、山口大学、法国南特中央理工、英国曼彻斯特大学、702 所、南方科技大学等高校和研究机构,具有较高的学术活跃度,具备一定的国际学术视野,可推荐学生出国交流和联合培养博士生。
[1] 李旭晖,格子玻尔兹曼方法软件开发进展:理论建模、算法创新和GPU并行计算,第9届全国船舶与海洋工程CFD会议,武汉,2024.11.15-17;(Invited Talk)
[2] Xuhui Li*; Study on the Turbulent Boundary Layer Based on GPU Parallelized Regularized Lattice Boltzmann Method; 7th ICNAME, Harbin, China, 2024.8.23-25;
[3] 李旭晖,刘立鑫,白帆,刘磊; 基于等温弱可压缩多松弛正则化格子玻尔兹曼模型的声散射模拟研究; 第13届全国流体力学学术会议,哈尔滨,2024.8.9-13;
[4] Xuhui Li*, Xiaowen Shan, Chengwang Xiong; Self-consistent Force Scheme for the High-order Lattice Spectral Multiple Relaxation Time Compressible Thermal Flow and Multiphase Flow; ICCES2024, Singapore, 2024.8.3-7; (Invited Talk)
[5] 李文卓,李旭晖*;三体船在规则波和不规则波中耐波性CFD模拟研究; 第35届全国水动力学研讨会,哈尔滨,2024.8.2-5;
[6] 李旭晖*; Spectral Multiple Relaxation Time High Order Lattice Boltzmann Model:Translational invariance, Rotational invariance, Force term; 第8届全国船舶与海洋工程CFD会议,哈尔滨,2023.11.9-13;(Invited Talk)
[7] Xuhui Li*, Xiaowen Shan, Zuoxu Li; Self-consistent Force Scheme in Spectral Multiple Relaxation Time high-order lattice Boltzmann Model; the 19th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science,Chengdu China, 2023.7.24-28;
[8] 李旭晖*, 单肖文, 李作旭; Self-consistent Force Scheme in Spectral Multiple Relaxation Time high-order lattice Boltzmann Model; 第六届“非平衡输运问题的建模及数值方法”研讨会, 武汉,2023.6.16-18;
[9] Lei Shan, Xuhui Li*, Wenyang Duan; Numerical verification of motion and pressure loads of a tumblehome vessel in regular waves; International Conference on Marine Equipment & Technology and Sustainable Development, 2022;
[10] Xuhui Li, Xiaowen Shan*, Wenyang Duan; Rotational invariance of Spectral Multiple-Time-Relaxation Collision Model; 31th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, Suchow, China, August,2022;
[11] Minghao Zhang, Xuhui Li*, Wenyang Duan, Shan Ma; Numerical Investigation of Air Cushion Effect During Water-Entry Process of a Catamaran Section; 14th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Wuxi, China, October, 2022;
[12] Yifan Zhang, Xuhui Li, Shan Ma*,Yunxing Zhang, Wenbo Shao; Preliminary study on the 2D+t method for ship bow waves with Cartesian grid; The 32th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2022), Shanghai, China;
[13] Xuhui Li*; A Regularized Multiple-Relaxation-Time High-order Lattice Boltzmann Model;第9届全国格子玻尔兹曼方法及其应用学术研讨会 中山大学-珠海,2021.5;
[14] Xuhui Li*, David LeTouze, Changhong Hu; Two-dimensional water entry simulation by a GPU accelerated free surface lattice Boltzmann model; VII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering,15-17 May 2017, Nantes, France;
[15] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*, David LeTouze;Water entry simulation by a lattice Boltzmann method; 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 23-26 April 2017, Dalian, China;
[16] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*, Fei Jiang; Multi-GPU accelerated gas-liquid-solid three-phase lattice Boltzmann model; 25th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, July 2016, Shenzhen, China; (Awarded Presentation)
[17] Fei Jiang*, Xuhui Li, Takeshi Tsuji; A parallel implementation of three-phase LB model for CO2-EOR; 25th International Conference on Discrete Simulationof Fluid Dynamics, July 2016, Shenzhen, China;
[18] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*;Water entry simulation by a GPU accelerated lattice Boltzmann method; The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 2016 Annual Spring Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan;
[19] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*, Fei Jiang; Efficient GPU Implementation of the Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Flux Solver; The 29th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium in Japan, December 2015, Fukuoka, Japan;
[20] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*, Fei Jiang; Comparative study about the force evaluation schemes in lattice Boltzmann method for moving complex boundaries;The 12th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science, July 2015, Beijing, China;
[21] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*; A comparative study of force evaluation schemes in lattice Boltzmann method for moving complex boundaries; The 28th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium in Japan, December 2014, Tokyo,Japan;
[22] Xuhui Li, Changhong Hu*; Numerical simulation of wave-body interaction by lattice Boltzmann method,;The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 2014 Annual Autumn Meeting, Nagasaki, Japan;
[23] Xuhui Li, Wenyang Duan*, Changhong Hu; Trim Optimization Associated with Wave-making Resistance; International Research Exchange Meeting on Ship and Ocean Engineering, December 2013, Osaka, Japan;
[24] Fuxin Huang, Xuhui Li, Francis Noblesse, Chi Yang, Wenyang Duan*; Illustrative applications of the Neumann-Michell theory of ship waves, 28th International Workshop of Water Waves and Floating Bodies;April 2013,Marseille, France;
[1] 2021年5月, 第9届全国格子玻尔兹曼方法理论及应用研讨会,分会场主席;
[2] 2023年9月, 第11届全国格子玻尔兹曼方法理论及应用研讨会,分会场主席;
[3] 2023年11月, 第8届全国船舶与海洋工程计算流体力学大会,分会场主席;
[4] 2024年8月, 第7届International Conference on Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering,分会场主席;
[5] 2024年11月, 第9届全国船舶与海洋工程计算流体力学大会,分会场主席;