L. Zhao, Y. Liu, C. Men and Y. Men, "Double Propagation Stereo Matching for Urban 3-D Reconstruction From Satellite Imagery", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS. 2021.3058144. (Co-First Author,中科院二区,JCR1,影响因子5.6,CCF B、TOP刊,SCI检索: WOS:000728266600040)
Zhao, R., Xiong, S., Liu, Y., Men, C., & Tian, Z. (2024). "3D reconstruction of building surface from airborne LiDAR point clouds based on improved structural constraints", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45(13), 4500-4526. (中科院三区,JCR2,影响因子3.531,SCI检索: WOS:001253651000001)
Jiaming Xue, Chaoguang Men, Yongmei Liu, Shun Xiong, "Adaptive neighbourhood recovery method for machine learning based 3D point cloud classification", International Journal of Remote Sensing, January, 2023,Vol 44, No.1: 311-340. (Corresponding author, 中科院三区,JCR2, 影响因子3.531, SCI检索: WOS:000912404700001)
Jiaming Xue, Shun Xiong, Yongmei Liu, Chaoguang Men, Zeyu Tian. "A bottom-up method for roof plane extraction from airborne LiDAR point clouds", Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 35(2): 025209. (中科院三区,JCR1,影响因子2.4,SCI检索: WOS:001115290800001)
Li, H., Liu, Y., Men, C., & Fang, Y. "A novel 3D point cloud segmentation algorithm based on multi-resolution supervoxel and MGS". International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2021,42(22), 8492-8525. (中科院三区,JCR2,影响因子3.531,SCI检索: WOS:000706634400001)
Han Li , Shun Xiong , Chaoguang Men , and Yongmei Liu. "Roof Reconstruction of Aerial Point Cloud Based on BPPM Plane Segmentation and Energy Optimization". IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2023, VOL. 16: 5828-5848.(中科院二区,JCR1,影响因子5.5, SCI检索: WOS:001029274100011)
Li Zhao, Zhihui Li, Chaoguang Men, Yongmei Liu, "Superpixels Extracted via Region Fusion with Boundary Constraint", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation,Vol.66, January, 2020.(JCR2,SCI检索)
Jiaming Xue, Shun Xiong, Chaoguang Men, Zhiming, Yongmei Liu, “Remote-Sensing Image Tile-Level Annotation Based on Discriminative Features and Expressive Visual Word Descriptors”, Scientific Programming, Vol. 2021, December, 2021(JCR4,SCI检索)
Li Z, Wang S, Liu Y, et al. Fast Multi-output Regression Based on Piecewise Linear Approximation. 2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering(ICISCE). IEEE, 2020: 1887-1891.( EI检索:20214010986180)
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