(1) Han, B. B., Peng, Y. H., Li, H.*, Liu, S. N., Sun, S. L., Shan, Y. H., Sun, Z. Y., (2022). Numerical investigations of a 2D bow wedge asymmetric free-falling into still water. Ocean Engineering, 266, 1-15.
(2) Li, H., Zou, J., Deng, B. L., Liu, R. X., Sun, S. L. *, (2022). Experimental study of stern slamming and global response of a large cruise ship in regular waves. Marine Structures, 86, 1-18.
(3) Deng, B. L., Shan, P. H., Liu, R. X., Wang, Z., Li, H.*, (2022). Efficient numerical calculation of frequency-domain matching method based on an analytical control surface. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 141, 140-152.
(4) Feng, Y., Li, H.*, Ong, M. C., Wang, W. W., (2022). Numerical investigation of collision between massive ice floe and marine structure using coupled SPH-FEM method. Ships and Offshore Structures, 73(2), 1-15.
(5) Li, H., Sun, Z. Y. *, Han, B. B., Shao, Y. H., Deng, B. L., (2022). Research on the Motion Response of Aquaculture Ship and Tank Sloshing Under Rolling Resonance. Brodogradnja: Teorija i praksa brodogradnje i pomorske tehnike, 73(2), 1-15.
(6) Li, H., Deng, B. L.* , Zou, J., Chuanrui Dong, C. R., Liu, C. L., Liu, P. L.,(2021). Experimental free-drop test investigation into wet-deck slamming loads on a generic trimaran section considering the influence of main hull profile. Ocean Engineering, (242), 1-13.
(7) Li, H., Feng, Y., Ong, M. C., Zhao, X., Zhou, L., (2021).An Approach to Determine Optimal Bow Configuration of Polar Ships under Combined Ice and Calm-Water Conditions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
(8)Sun, S. L., Wamg. J. L., Li, H.*, Chen, R. Q., Zhang, C. J., (2021). Investigation on responses and wave climbing of a ship in large waves using a fully nonlinear boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, (125), 250-263.
(9) Li, H., Deng, B. L., Ren, H. L. and Sun, S. Z.* (2020), Investigation on the nonlinear effects of the vertical motions and vertical bending moment for a wave-piercing tumblehome vessel based on a hydro-elastic segmented model test, Marine Structures, (72), 1–19.
(10) Li, H., Hao, L. Z.*, Chen, X. B. and Ren, H. L. (2020), “Frequency- domain hybrid method on motions of ship with forward speed”, Ocean Engineering, 197, 1–11.
(11) Yu, P. Y., Li, H., Ong, M. C. (2019), Hydroelastic analysis on water entry of a constant-velocity wedge with stiffened panels. Marine Structures, 63, 215–238.
(12) Xie, H., Ren, H. L., Li H. and Tao, K.D. (2019), Quantitative analysis of hydroelastic characters for one segment of hull structure entering into water, Ocean Engineering, 173:469–490.
(13) Li, H.*, Wang, D., Zhou, C. M., Zhang, K. H. and Ren, H. L. (2018). Springing Responses Analysis and Segmented Model Test on a 550,000 Dead Weight Tonnage Ore Carrier, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(4), 041301: 1–9.
(14) Li, H. *, Ong, M. C., Leira, B. J. and Myrhaug, D. (2018). Soil Profile Variation and Scour on Structural Response of an Offshore Monopile Wind Turbine, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(4), 042001: 1–10.
(15) Li, H.*, Hao, L. Z., Chen, X. B. and Ren, H. L. (2018), The computation of forward speed Green function in cylindrical coordinate system, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 69: 76–86.
(16) Li, H, Wang, D., Liu, N.* and Zhou, X. Q. (2018), Influence of Linear Springing on the Fatigue Damage of Ultra Large Ore Carriers, Applied Science-Basel, 8(5), 1–19.
(17) Xie, H., Ren, H. L. and Li, H. and Tao, K. D. (2018), Numerical prediction of slamming on bow-flared section considering geometrical and kinematic asymmetry. Ocean Engineering, 158, 311–330.
(18) Yu, P. Y., Ong, M. C. and Li, H. (2018), Effects of Added Mass and Structural Damping on Dynamic Responses of a 3D Wedge Impacting on Water. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 8(5), 1–21.
(19) Sun, S. Z., Du, W. L. and Li, H.*(2017), Study on Green Water of Tumblehome Hull Using Dam-break Flow and RANSE Models, Polish Maritime Research, 24, 172–180.
(20) Chen, Z. Y., Jiao, J. L. and Li, H. (2017), Time-Domain Numerical and Segmented Ship Model Experimental Analyses of Hydroelastic Responses of A Large Container Ship in Oblique Regular Waves. Applied Ocean Research, 67: 78–93.
(21) Li, H.*, Hao, L. Z., Ren, H. L. and Tian, B. (2016). THE Application of Meshless Cylinder Control Surface in Rankine-Kelvin Hybrid Method, BRODOGRADNJA, 67(3): 87–113.
(22) Sun, S. Z., Li, H.* and Sun, H. (2016), Measurement and Analysis of Coastal Waves along the North Sea Area of China, Polish Maritime Research, 23: 72–78.
(23) Yu, P. Y., Ren, H. L., Li, H., Wang, S. and Sun L. M (2016), Slamming Study of Wedge and Bow-flared Sections, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 20(9), 1109–1120.
(24) Wang, C., Ren, H. L. and Li, H. (2015), A Direct Assessment Method for Structure Strength of Icebreaker based on Numerical Simulation, Journal of Coastal Research, 73, 548–553.
(25) Li, Z. F., Ren, H. L., Tong, X. W. and Li, H. (2015), A precise computation method of transient free surface Green function, Ocean Engineering, 105, 318–326.
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(27) Tang, H. Y., Ren, H. L., Li, H. and Zhong, Q. (2016), Experimental Investigation of Wave-Induced Hydroelastic Vibrations of Trimaran in Oblique Irregular Waves, Shock and Vibration, 2016, 1–17.
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(29) Ren, H. L., Wang, C., Li, H., Zhai, S. S. and Wang, J. F.(2014), Research of Vertical Bending Moment in Amidships Calculation Method Caused by the Crash-breaking Way, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 18(9), 1109–1116.
(30) Tong, X. W., Ren, H. L., Li, H. and Shan, P. H. (2013), Evaluation of 3D Time Domain Green Function Based on the Precise Integration Method, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 17(9), 990–997.
(31) Chen, Z. Y., Ren, H. L., Li, H. and Zhang, K. H. (2012), Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Bow Slamming and Whipping in Different Sea States, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 16(3), 246–253.
(1) 吕明冬, 李辉*, 李方, 陈小波. 多域Rankine-Kelvin源法计算浮体水动力方法研究. 船舶力学, 2020, 24(7): 874–884.
(2) 董斌, 钱源, 李元泰, 丁剑锋,李辉*. 船体(平台)渤海冰区作业安全性分析. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(1): 145–151.
(3) 崔宏林, 李辉. 小型双体船桁架式连接桥结构强度评估及优化. 舰船科学技术, 2019, 41 (12): 16–19.
(4) 刘东, 杨征, 李辉. 极地船冰载荷简化计算方法研究. 舰船科学技术, 2019, 41(10): 27–31.
(5) 邹健, 王凡超, 李辉*, 邓宝利, 任慧龙, 胡学聪. 三体船运动与波浪载荷的伪共振问题研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2018, 40(6): 1051–1057.
(6) 李志富, 任慧龙, 石玉云, 李辉. 时域自由面格林函数改进精细积分算法研究. 船舶力学, 2018, 22(7): 818–826.
(7) 冯维, 余洋喆, 李辉. 地质调查船月池结构局部强度评估及优化. 舰船科学技术, 2018, 40(8): 45–49.
(8) 李辉, 王宇博, 许会芬, 刘春雷. 豪华邮轮波浪载荷预报方法. 船舶工程, 2018, 40(增1): 65–68, 139.
(9) 李辉, 刘春雷, 张伟, 姜峰, 邓宝利, 王宇博. 深水半潜式平台张紧式系泊系统优化设计. 船舶工程, 40(增1): 287–294.
(10) 李辉, 吕明冬, 任慧龙, 陈小波, 田博. 基于Laguerre 函数对圆柱面绕射势的数值逼近. 船舶力学, 2017, 25(5): 555–562.
(11) 冯卫永, 李辉. 破冰船冲撞式破冰结构强度数值仿真方法研究. 舰船科学技术, 2017, 39 (6): 28–32.
(12) 唐浩云, 任慧龙, 李辉, 仲琦. 三体船在迎浪不规则波中的运动和载荷试验研究. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(18): 140–147.
(13) 黄强, 李辉, 任慧龙, 吴兆年, 王宇博. 基于船体梁的船体弹性变形预报方法. 船舶工程, 2017, 39(8): 13–17, 88.
(14) 石玉云, 李志富, 李辉, 冯国庆. 格林函数剩余区间高阶导数数值计算研究. 中国造船, 2015, 56(4): 141–151.
(15) 唐浩云, 任慧龙, 李辉, 仲琦. 基于水弹性理论的三体船纵向载荷预报. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(1): 87–91.
(16) 任慧龙, 陈亮亮, 李辉, 张楷宏. 三体船波浪设计载荷的三维时域水弹性理论研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2016, 37(1): 19–23.
(17) 李志富, 任慧龙, 李辉. 畸形波作用下半潜式平台的极限生存能力评估. 船舶力学, 2016, 20(5): 591–599.
(18) 李志富, 任慧龙, 石玉云, 李辉. Laguerre 函数在时域匹配边界元中的应用研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2016, 37(5): 629–633.
(19) 王川, 李辉, 任慧龙, 汪蔷. 深水铺管船的动力定位能力评估系统. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 42(2): 61–65.
(20) 任慧龙, 于鹏垚, 李辉, 冯国庆. 船体三维变形响应的数值预报. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 36(1): 134–138.
(21) 于鹏垚, 任慧龙, 冯国庆, 李辉, 徐英博. 船首外飘砰击强度直接计算. 中国造船, 2015, 56(1): 61–68.
(22) 孙树政, 任慧龙, 李辉, 李鹏. 破损单体复合船运动与载荷预报方法研究. 中国造船, 2015, 56(增刊): 166–176.
(23) 翟帅帅, 李辉, 王川, 王金峰. 不同本构模型对船冰相互作用的影响. 舰船科学技术, 2014, 36(6): 20–25.
(24) 任慧龙, 孙葳, 李辉, 童晓旺. 基于水动力- 结构模型的波浪载荷计算方法. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2014, 35(7): 795–799.
(25) 王楠, 任慧龙, 王晓天, 薛显昌, 李辉. 高寒地区浮桥环境载荷与强度评估. 武汉理工大学学报, 2014, 36(8): 62–68.
(26) 李辉, 张艺瀚, 任慧龙. 船舶波浪载荷长短期预报方法及其特性研究. 船舶波浪载荷长短期预报方法及其特性研究, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(12): 112–116.
(27) 任慧龙, 翟帅帅, 于鹏垚, 李辉, 刘洋. 砰击载荷作用下船艏结构瞬态响应研究. 中国舰船研究, 2013, 8(6): 14–19.
(28) 童晓旺, 李辉, 任慧龙. 一种适用于船舶时域运动快速计算的混合方法. 船舶力学, 2013, 17(7): 756–762.
(29) 李辉, 张艺瀚, 任慧龙. 非线性横摇阻尼对运动和波浪扭矩的统一修正. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2013, 34(7): 826–831.
(30) 李辉, 单鹏昊, 任慧龙, 王钰涵. 时变风中Spar平台系泊系统的耦合动力分析. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(2): 36–40.
(31) 童晓旺, 任慧龙, 李辉, 单鹏昊. 浮体在时域中的瞬时运动和波浪力数值模拟. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2012, 33(12): 1453–1458.
(32) 陈占阳, 任慧龙, 李辉, 赵晓东. 超大型船舶变截面梁分段模型的载荷试验研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2012, 33(2): 263–268.
(33) 赵南, 纪肖, 李辉. 弹振对船舶疲劳强度的影响. 大连海事大学学报, 2012, 38(1): 21–24, 28.
(34) 汪蔷, 任慧龙, 李辉, 李陈峰. 铺管船作业安全性的评估方法. 船海工程, 2013, 42(2): 149–152.
(35) 单鹏昊, 任慧龙, 李辉, 张健. 极限海况下Spar平台系泊系统耦合动力分析. 海洋工程, 2013, 31(2): 35–40.
(36) 王海洋, 任慧龙, 李辉. 深水Truss Spar水动力计算方法研究. 船海工程, 2013, 42(1): 145–148.
(37) 王海洋, 任慧龙, 李辉, 童晓旺. 基于B 样条的船体网格划分及水动力计算. 船海工程, 2012, 41(4): 51–53.
(38) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 李辉, 李陈峰. 在役平台结构剩余疲劳寿命的可靠性分析. 大连海事大学学报, 2011, 37(1): 18–20, 24.
(39) 刘日明, 任慧龙, 李辉. B样条面元法在波浪载荷计算中若干问题研究. 海洋工程, 2011, 29(2): 99–104.
(40) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 陈北燕, 李辉. 半潜式平台结构屈曲强度评估. 船舶工程, 2010, 32(2): 67–72.
(41) 任慧龙, 李陈峰, 李辉, 冯国庆. 破损舰船剩余强度的可靠性评估方法研究. 船舶力学, 2010, 14(7): 757–764.
(42) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 陈北燕, 李辉. 在役平台结构疲劳评估的工程计算法. 中国海洋平台, 2010, 25(4): 50–53.
(43) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 李辉, 胡超然. 基于PCL的疲劳谱分析直接计算系统开发. 船海工程, 2010, 39(5): 4–7.
(44) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 李辉. 实用船舶结构疲劳评估方法概要. 舰船科学技术, 2009, 31(1): 23–28.
(45) 李辉, 任慧龙, 张玉龙, 冯国庆. 舰载导弹未正常点火下落砸中舰体概率研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2009, 30(1): 1–6.
(46) 李辉, 任慧龙, 陈北燕, 冯国庆. 深水半潜式平台波浪载荷计算方法研究. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 37(3): 122–125.
(47) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 李辉, 陈北燕. 基于直接计算的半潜式平台结构总强度评估. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2009, 30(3): 255–261.
(48) 冯国庆, 任慧龙, 李巧彦, 李辉. 舰船典型节点参数化建模及形状优化. 中国舰船研究, 2009, 4(4): 28–33.
(49) 李辉, 于辉, 李学菊, 任慧龙. 限制水域船舶纵向下水的动力学分析. 中国造船, 2009, 50(4): 61–66.
(50) 刘日明, 任慧龙, 李辉. 有限水深格林函数及其导数的改进Gauss-Laguerre算法. 船舶力学, 2008, 12(2): 188–196.
(51) 李辉, 任慧龙, 刘日明, 冯国庆. FPSO运动与波浪载荷三维水弹性分析方法研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2008, 29(8): 789–793.