Xusheng Hu, W. Yuan, X.X. Zhang, et al. Comparative studies on thermal management performance of PCM-based heat sinks filled with various height structured porous materials[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, (2024) 125376. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF6.4 Top)
Xusheng Hu, P.Y. Chen, X.X. Zhang, et al. Experimental and numerical study on thermal management performance of PCM-based heat sinks with various configurations fabricated by additive manufacturing[J]. Renewable Energy, 232(2024) 121069. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF8.7 Top)
Q.L. Zhou, X.D. Xing, X.L. Gong, Z.Y. Zhong, X.X. Zhang, Xusheng Hu*. Enhanced compressive mechanical properties of different topological lattice structures fabricated by additive manufacturing[J]. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2024: 1-14. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF3.6 )
X.X. Zhang, C. Wang, Delpha C, Xusheng Hu*, et al. Incipient Near Surface Cracks Characterization and Crack Size Estimation based on Jensen–Shannon Divergence and Wasserstein Distance[J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 43(2024) 87. (SCI, JCR Q2 IF2.6 )
Xusheng Hu, X.L. Gong, F. Zhu, et al. Thermal analysis and optimization of metal foam PCM-based heat sink for thermal management of electronic devices, Renewable Energy 212 (2023) 227-237. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF8.7 Top)
Xusheng Hu, X.L. Gong, Experimental study on the thermal response of PCM-based heat sink using structured porous material fabricated by 3D printing, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 24 (2021) 100844. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF6.8 Top)
Xusheng Hu, X.L. Gong. Experimental and numerical investigation on thermal performance enhancement of phase change material embedding porous metal structure with cubic cell, Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115337. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF6.4 Top)
Xusheng Hu, F. Zhu, X.L. Gong. Numerical investigation of the effects of heating and contact conditions on the thermal charging performance of composite phase change material, Journal of Energy Storage 30 (2020) 101444. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF9.4 Top)
Xusheng Hu, X.L Gong. Pore-scale numerical simulation of the thermal performance for phase change material embedded in metal foam with cubic periodic cell structure, Applied Thermal Engineering 151 (2019) 231-239. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF6.4 Top)
Xusheng Hu, F. Zhu, X.L. Gong. Experimental and numerical study on the thermal behavior of phase change material infiltrated in low porosity metal foam, Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101005. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF9.4 Top)
Y. Feng, C. Zhang, Xusheng Hu, et al. A comprehensive structural parameter for optimization of thermal performance of PCM embedded in periodic cuboid cell metal foam, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 146 (2023) 106936. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF7 Top)
F. Zhu, Xusheng Hu, X.L. Gong. Experimental and numerical investigation of the melting process of aluminum foam/paraffin composite with low porosity, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A 77 (2020) 998-1013. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF2)
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Xusheng Hu, X.H. Xiao, X. Yang, et al. Online Health Monitoring and Incipient Fault Detection for Large Wind Turbine Based on a Data-Driven Method[C]//2024 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM). IEEE, 2024: 38-43.
X.X. Zhang, C. Wang, Xusheng Hu, et al. Incipient Cracks Characterization Based on Jensen-Shannon Divergence and Wasserstein Distance[C]//2024 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM). IEEE, 2024: 8-13.
X.X. Zhang, C. Wang, Xusheng Hu, et al. Enhanced Incipient Cracks Classification in High Noise Environments Using PCA-SVM Model[C]//2024 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM). IEEE, 2024: 44-49.