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[10] W.Y. Duan, H.S. Zhang, L.M. Huang*. Numerical simulation of trim optimization on resistance performance based on CFD method. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2019, June 09-14.
[11] W.Y. Duan, K. Yang, L.M. Huang*. Numerical Investigations on Sea States Estimation Based on the Convolution Neural Networks Deep Learning Technique. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii Big Island, USA, 2019, June 16-22.
[12] W.Y. Duan, S.L. Duan, L.M. Huang*. A LSTM Deep Learning Model for Deterministic Ship Motions Estimation Using Wave-Excitation Inputs. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Hawaii Big Island, USA, 2019, June 16-22.
[13] W.Y. Duan, Z. Shi, L.M. Huang*. Research On The Probability Distribution Of The Underwater Moving Of The Wrecked Target. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2019, June 09-14.
[14] Y.C. Liu*, Q.M. Zheng, W.Y. Duan, L.M. Huang. Improving deterministic pitch motions estimation using bivariate sequential wave input. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transporation System, 2019.
[15] W.Y. Duan, G.Z. Cao, L.M. Huang*. Ship Maneuvering Prediction Based on CFD Method. The Conference of Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Japan, 2019, June 02-05.
[16] Hua Jiang, ShiLiang Duan, Limin Huang*, Yang Han, Heng Yang, Qingwei Ma, Scale effects in AR model real-time ship motion prediction, Ocean Engineering. 2020, 203:1-11.
[17] W.Y. Duan, K. Yang, L.M. Huang*, X.W. Ma. Numerical Investigations on Wave Remote Sensing from Synthetic X-Band Radar Sea Clutter Images by Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Remote Sensing, 2020,169(7):1-21.
[18] Yucheng Liu , Wenyang Duan , Limin Huang *, Shiliang Duan , Xuewen Ma,The input vector space optimization for LSTM deep learning model in real-time prediction of ship motions. Ocean Engineering. 2020, 213:1-10.
[19] Wenyang Duan, Xuewen Ma, Limin Huang*, Shiliang Duan, Yucheng Liu. Phase-resolved wave prediction model for long-crest wave based on machine learning. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.2020, 372:1-14.
[20] Ma XW, Huang LM*, Duan WY, et al. Experimental investigations on the predictable temporal-spatial zone for the deterministic sea wave prediction of long-crested waves[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2021: 1-14.
[21] Duan WY, Shi Z, Yang YM, Huang LM*. Investigations on a moving target's penetration into the seabed sediment using the ALE technique[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2021: 1-13.
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[31] Ma X, Huang L*, Duan W, et al. The performance and optimization of ANN-WP model under unknown sea states[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 239: 109858.
[32] Duan W, Yang K, Huang L*, et al. A DFN-based method for fast prediction of ships’ added resistance in heading waves[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021,245: 110484