Work fields: Nuclear reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics for the fourth and third generation nuclear reactors, especially passive containment cooling technology, hydrogen behaviors.
Publications: 130+ journal and conference papers.
Textbooks: Advanced nuclear reactor (master students), Introduction to nuclear reactor engineering (bachelor students)
2017/09 ~ present Harbin Engineering University, Professor
2012/09~2017/08 Harbin Engineering University, Associate professor
2009/07~2012/08 Harbin Engineering University, Lecturer
2009/09~2011/08 Delft Unversity of Technology, Postdoctor
Research Fields
(1) Nuclear reactor physics: High temperature gas-cooled reactors
(2) Nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: Low pressure natural circulation system
(3) Deep learning application in nuclear reactors
(1) Passive containment cooling system development
(2) Containment multiscale and multiphysical coupled analysis program development
(3) Hydrogen behaviours